Updated January 17, 2024
- Hardives did a 2” asphalt overlay with Maricopa curbing on Cowboy Trail from Outer Loop north to the southern edge of the community.
- Two new stop signs were installed. One at the corner of Friendly Meadow & Cowboy Trail and one at the corner of L Bar L & Cowboy Trail.
- Hardrives did a complete 2” repave of Calais
- Anderson Asphalt crack filled and seal coated on Friendly Meadow west of Lonely Trail to the end of the paved area.
- Anderson Asphalt painted speed limits on the pavement throughout the community.
- A new stop sign was installed on the NE corner of Williamson Valley Ranch Road & Friendly Meadow.
- A drainage pipe was installed along the west side of Cowboy Trail north of L Bar L to stop further erosion from undercutting the road.
- The crack and seal project for Calais Lane, Williamson Valley Ranch Road, L Bar L Rd., Friendly Meadow, Cowboy Trail, and Lonely Trail was done done by Anderson Asphalt.
- The patch and paving work on 3 Association roads, Williamson Valley Ranch Road, Friendly Meadow and L Bar L Rd., was done by Anderson Asphalt.
- Weed mowing along Association roads has been completed.
- Weed spraying has been completed
- The 2nd mowing along Association roads has been completed
The following road maintenance projects approved by the Board of Directors have been completed:
The following road maintenance projects approved by the Board of Directors have been completed:
- Crack and seal project on Williamson Valley Ranch Rd.
- Repair of roadway at the intersection of Williamson Valley Ranch Rd. and Friendly Meadow
- Install rip rap around 5 CMP pipes on the east side of Cowboy Trail
- Install stop sign on Lonely Trail at the intersection with Friendly Meadow
All the following 2019 project approved by Board have been completed.
All the following 2019 project approved by Board have been completed.
- Drainage issues on Friendly Meadows Rd.
- Replacement of road sign at the intersection of Williamson Valley Ranch Road and Calais
- Repairs to Calais
- Repairs/Repaving of Lonely Trail
- Repairs/Repaving of Corriente Circle
- Crack filling and Sealing of Friendly Meadow Road and Cowboy Trail
- Restriping of main roads and speed bump
- Final weed spraying and cutting for 2019
July 9, 2018: Road Maintenance: Board member Dan Avilla spoke with several road maintenance contractors and put together a summary. In his absence, Mike Mollere read the following:
July 9, 2018: Road Maintenance: Board member Dan Avilla spoke with several road maintenance contractors and put together a summary. In his absence, Mike Mollere read the following:
- Proposal to seal all road cracks with rubberized crack sealant, approximately 8,000 lbs., for the bid amount of $14,400.
- Proposal to seal coat all maintained roads, 2 coats of sealer, approximately 174,000 sq. ft. for the bid amount $12,980 (spray) or $17,400 (mechanical squeegee) application.
- This proposal is open for discussion, however in view of the total cost it should be reviewed by the Board before a proposal can be made to the community and voted on.
- July 9, 2018: Drainage issues on Friendly Meadow Road and road signs: Vice President Doug Langston reported that he was speaking with contractors about this project. Work is to open various culverts and deepen drainage ditches on Friendly Meadow south of WVR Road, as well as clean out the culvert at the intersection of Friendly Meadow Rd. and Corriente Circle. A motion was made to proceed by Jim Copland, seconded by Dave Stewart, and unanimously approved by the Board. Mike Mollere and Doug Langston agreed to meet in the week following with the contractor, Mile High Excavation, to identify any additional work and secure a new bid package. There are several other culverts throughout WV Ranch in need of attention that need to be inspected.
In November 2016, the Board approved a project to remove material from the east side of Friendly Meadow located between Williamson Valley Ranch Road south for a distance of approximately 800 yards. Soil erosion has filled the drainage ditch in this area over the years and will create run-off across Friendly Meadow during the coming monsoons. The cost of this project is $2,837. Work should completed during May of 2017.
Repair/removal of Cattle Guard on Cowboy Trail was completed July 3, 2016.
In November 2016, the Board approved a project to remove material from the east side of Friendly Meadow located between Williamson Valley Ranch Road south for a distance of approximately 800 yards. Soil erosion has filled the drainage ditch in this area over the years and will create run-off across Friendly Meadow during the coming monsoons. The cost of this project is $2,837. Work should completed during May of 2017.
Repair/removal of Cattle Guard on Cowboy Trail was completed July 3, 2016.
Updated January 17, 2024
Repair of Cowboy Trail and other Distressed Roads
In February 2017, the Board recognized that the repair of Cowboy Trail was a top priority for the community. The Board explored funding options at the March and May 2017 meetings. The Board will charter a team to look at different options for repairing Cowboy Trail, given the limited funds the Board has to work with. Developments will be contained in the monthly meeting minutes.
3/12/18 Progress Update: The committee proposal was approved by the Board on March 5, 2018. Work should begin by mid-May 2018. Click HERE to read the proposal.
July 9, 2018 Final Report:
- Cowboy Trail and other road repairs: the WVRRA Road Repair Committee was formed on December 19th, 2017. Members are: Dan Avilla, Jim Copland, Mark Lienau, Mike Mollere. A team charter was written and approved by the team members. The team met on December 19, 2017, January 16, 2018 and January 26, 2018. Road repairs for 2018 were identified and marked throughout the community. 18 contractors were called, appointments made to review scope of work, and bids to be secured. Of the 18 contractors called, the Team expects 6-8 bids for the work. Team members met with those contractors that showed interest in the work, and so far most are recommending similar repairs. Bids are expected during the month of February. Prioritized work is as follows:
- Cowboy Trail – starting from the end of the “good” section, north 0.50 mile to the intersection of Friendly Meadow Rd. Repair pothole and road damage. Level high/low areas. Top coat as specified by the contractor. Some recommend chip-seal, most recommend hot asphalt.... which is 2 x the cost of chip seal. 6/2/18 update: The Board expects the work being done on Cowboy Trail to be completed by June 7-8.
- L-Bar-L Road – repair potholes and road damage 200' east of Boot Ranch Road to just west of Endless Dream.
- Calaise Lane – repair potholes and road damage in (2) areas, identified by paint.
- Friendly Meadow Road – fill cracks, repair shoulder damage, and top coat from intersection of Lonely Trail to end of WVRRA maintained road.
3/12/18 Progress Update: The committee proposal was approved by the Board on March 5, 2018. Work should begin by mid-May 2018. Click HERE to read the proposal.
July 9, 2018 Final Report:
- The WVRRA Road Repair Committee was formed on Dec 18, 2017.
- At the March 5th Board of Directors meeting, a discussion took place regarding the scope of work and the process of securing bids.
- A proposal was made and voted on by the Board of Directors. The proposal passed by a vote of 6 for and 1 against.
- The contract was signed on April 24, 2018 and a deposit paid in order to start work. Work began on May 1, 2018. Estimated completion of the work is in 2 weeks.
- Details are posted on the WVRRA.org website (under the projects tab at the top of the page) for all community members to view.
- Board members have been viewing the work periodically to insure quality and a minimum of disruption to traffic.
- The work was completed on June 8, an inspection performed by two members of the committee on June 10, and the balance paid on June 12, 2018.
- There were comments by several community members about the quality of the road. No negative comments were voiced at the meeting.
Updated December 6, 2021